Recent Developments

Leg O Mutton Dam

We have recently changed the old council lock on the Dam, and replaced it with a new security lock Keys can be purchased by attending a members meeting. Members meeting dates are published on the website.

The Dam has had its second stocking of the year, the first was courtesy of the Enviroment Agency, and we would like to thank them for all their assistance. The second stocking consisted of 300lb of roach and skimmers, supplied by St Helens AA.

We would also like to thank the Enviroment Agency, and all members of the association who have been involved in the recent working parties, providing safe havens for the stocks in the form of new floating islands, and the clean up that has gone into the Dam

Dig Pit

The Dig Pit has recently been stocked with 300 lb of roach, 200 lb of skimmers, and 200 lb of common/mirror carp, some of the roach stocked where nudging the pound mark, and all the fish where in excellent condition. Since the start of the year, there has been a tremendous amount of work put into the Dig Pit, by voluntary members, including improving access, cleaning away debris, making all platforms fishable and generally improving the water for all members. Our thanks goes out to all who have been involved. Working parties are currently under way every Tuesday until works are complete, all volunteers are more than welcome.

The Basin

Recent works include installing a sheet pile wall at the bottom of the basin. This has currently raised the level of the Basin to its original state, and should hopefully resolve the issue of the water level constantly dropping. Once again we thank all for the volunteers for putting in the effort and making this possible



Feeder Masters

Carr Mill Dam will be hosting a qualifying round of the Feeder Master Championship on Sunday the 3rd of July. The club match on the Saturday will be open to non members who wish to practice for the forthcoming event.


3 day Fishing Festival


Tickets are now available for the 3 day event on the 10th, 11th and 12th of June. Can all anglers who have reserved tickets please contact Andy Burrows (Match Secretary) to confirm their attendance


Preston Boats

Written by Ste Beck

When I got to the river I fished a few pegs upstream from the first peg you come to when you reach the river . Started on the tip bites first cast a roach followed by a few dace on maggot and caster. Then I changed to the meat, just kept feeding few pellets and hemp then the rod slammed over a chub about 3lbs. The next cast a barbel of about 6lbs, I stayed on the tip for a few more hours and had some cracking bites nearly ripping the rod in, I lost another good barbel just under the feet as I was putting the net to it. Then I switched to stick float 18ft rod and centerpin reel, caught steady for the rest of the day dace, roach and a few good perch and chublets.

Pike Angling Coaching

Written by Jon Neafcy


pikeanglingcoaching04Eric Edwards contacted me about setting up a teach-in in the local area for juniors & newcomers to the sport. I thought this was a fantastic idea as it’s good to put something back into our sport & I think this is definitely a way to shape future attitudes to pike angling in the area. Eric went along to the St Helens AA meeting & obtained permission to use a section or Car mill Dam. Eric mithered fellow anglers to donate gear for the event & he was inundated with stuff which included about 9 rods & 6 reels, my thanks to all who gave (the rods & reels will be retained for future events).


We nearly had a show stopped when the PAC said that the insurance would not cover the event, my coaching insurance said they wouldn’t cover it either & in the claims culture we live in I just couldn’t risk running the event without adequate 3rd party liability insurance, this was a bit of a nightmare to obtain many insurers just would not take the risk, one insurer quoted over £1000! But after a bit of negotiating & limiting the number of events I finally obtained it to cover 3rd party liability for club meetings, outings, events & the club boat for £190 + tax. pikeanglingcoaching03


Myself & Eric co-ordinated the event & Eric made up 25 pike packs for participants. We promoted the event on the internet, in local tackle shops via a flyer that I made up & event in the local press. I had to make up a safety briefing, lesson plan & risk assessment for the event all pre-requisites enforced on us angling coaches by the powers that be. Myself & Eric met up the week before to finalise our plans. Although there was a lot of interest in the event you can never be certain that any number (if anyone) will turn up to these events, or on the other-hand you could be over-run with attendees. The unknown variables including the weather could make or break the event.


pikeanglingcoaching02The weekend of the event arrived & late notice I also had the nod from the solicitor that me & my family were moving house that weekend, hectic to say the least. I put up posters around the event area informing others not to fish there whilst Eric was busy sorting all the tackle for the event. I returned home Saturday to complete my move, early to bed & up & down at Car mill for 8am. Eric was already there waiting as was one young lad who had peddled down on his pushbike with full kit! Eric was I think close to the point of being thrown in by two burly match-men; the area had been double-booked for us & a match! Anyhow we negotiated a compromise with the Match lads moving round & we all managed to stay dry.


We had several stewards & assistant coaches including James Dean, Dave Cottrial, K. Devlen, John Woods, K. March, N. Stubbs & Dennis Bird. The event was split into 4 sections to cover various methods – ledgered dead-bait & trace making, float-ledger, lure & drifting & paternoster, the event ran 10-2 this giving 4 of 1 hour slots of each method. We had 4 coaches & a steward to accompany each group with a couple of extra stewards to take photo’s take the registration, now all we needed were some attendees. By 10 we had about 25 kids accompanied by parents & about 5 adult newcomers to piking & the show was well & truly on the road. It was a bit repetitive for the coaches going through the same subject with 4 different groups, but the feedback from the coaches & the stewards was that they all very much enjoyed it, the kids were very well behaved & no doubt some very keen young anglers amongst them. All the kids received one of the pike starter packs made up by Eric from the stuff that had been donated.


pikeanglingcoaching01Overall the event was an astounding success, even the idiot in the speedboat couldn’t spoil it for us despite his best efforts, St. Helens AA have kindly left an open door to us for future events. My thanks to everyone who attended & to all those who gave gear for us to give away, without each & every one of you the event could not have succeeded. My special thanks to Eric Edwards for all his time & effort in co-ordinating the event with me. Sadly we never got chance to show unhooking a pike as we all blanked, well you can’t have everything can you now!

*For the attention of all newcomers to the group* Please find below various lin…

*For the attention of all newcomers to the group*

Please find below various links giving information on St Helens Angling Associations various waters and how to obtain members permits and details about obtaining this year's night fishing stamp.

St Helens AA waters can be found here:

St Helens AA association waters can be found here:

Membership and online permit sales can be found here:

On joining St Helens AA, please read and follow the club's rules found in the current permit.


Many thanks

St Helens Angling Association, profile picture


Following todays news from the Angling Trust, the clubs waters will now reopen…

Following todays news from the Angling Trust, the clubs waters will now reopen in the morning. Anglers are reminded that travelling from out of town is strictly forbidden and that when on the bank, proper social distancing is adhered to. Anglers must vacate all waters before dark, and any members found breaking guidelines will be asked to leave and not to return.
Cheers 👌

St Helens Angling Association, profile picture
